Title of Art: (Three Women Martyrs)
Art Form: Mosaic
Subjects: Cecilia
Exhibit Institution: Cappella di Sant'Andrea e Museo Arcivescovile (St. Andrew Chapel and Archiepiscopal Museum)
Exhibit Location: Ravenna, Italy
VM Image #: 0012
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 2, 2023
Mosaic roundels on the barrel vaults of the Cappella Arcivescovile of Ravenna, with portrait busts of twelve apostles and twelve martyrs (six women, six men). In this close-up view of vault, there are three women martyrs: Eufimea (Euphemia, martyr of Rome), Eugenia (martyr of Chalcedon), and Cecilia.
This close-up view of the left side of a barrel arch featuring a total of six women martyrs shows Eufimea (Euphemia, martyr of Rome), Eugenia (martyr of Chalcedon), and Cecilia. Each woman is posed in a front-facing posture with a resolute expression. Each is encircled in blue mosaics that lighten in shade closer to the woman’s head, giving the illusion of a halo of light. The women are dressed identically in gold robes encrusted with jewels and pearls. They each wear a veil over a headcovering, or mitella.