Small depiction of martyr Agnes on side wall of the Sancta Sanctorum.
Title of Art: (St. Agnes)
Subjects: Agnes
Ritual Pose/Object: crown
Art Form: Mosaic
Exhibit Institution: Palazzo Lateranense, Sancta Sanctorum Chapel (Lateran Apostolic Palace)
Exhibit Location: Rome, Italy
VM Image #: 0047
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: December 31, 2022
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Small depiction of the martyr, Agnes, in the Sancta Sanctorum.
In this small mosaic, Agnes is adorned with a jeweled crown and cloak, and surrounded by a gold halo. Agnes has bleeding cuts on her cheek, perhaps representative of her martyrdom as she was executed with a sword. Not far from her icon is a depiction of the apostle Paul. That Agnes was depicted alongside Paul portrays her importance in the early church.