Title of Art: (Pudenziana and Prassedes)
Art Form: Mosaic
Date of Composition: 821-824
Subjects: Prassede; Praxedes; Pudenziana; Pudentiana
Ritual Pose/Object: crown
Exhibit Institution: Basilica di Santa Prassede
Exhibit Location: Rome, Italy
VM Image #: 0056
Photographer: Kelley Matthews
Date of Photograph: December 28, 2022
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Apse mosaic with Christ, the apostles, and Prassede (Praxedes) and Pudenziana (Pudentiana) with crowns.
The entire apse depicts scenes from the Revelation, victorious saints, apostles robed, four-winged creatures, the four Gospel writers, and many other persons and animals. In the center of the main apse, over the altar, the hand of God points down to Christ Pantocrator, who stands centered, with Peter and Paul on either side of him. The two apostles each stand next to a woman, arm around her shoulders—Peter with Pudenziana (Pudentiana), Paul with Prassede (Praxedes). The women hold their crowns, emblematic of martyrdom. Though the sisters were not martyrs, they risked their lives to serve martyrs. On the far ends of the apse are Pope Paschal, with the square nimbus indicating him as alive when the mosaic was created, and a deacon opposite him next to Pudenziana. Under the curved base of the mosaic we see a line of sheep, with the Lamb of God at center, underneath the image of Christ Pantocrator.