Title of Art: (Presentation in the Temple)
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; Anna
Ritual Pose/Object: scroll
Artist: Jacopo Torriti
Art Form: Mosaic
Date of Composition: 1296
Event: Presentation of Christ
Exhibit Institution: Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (Basilica of Saint Mary Major), apse
Exhibit Location: Rome, Italy
VM Image #: 0031
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: December 31, 2022

In a smaller window of the apse mosaic (one of five scenes in the life of Mary) is a depiction of Mary presenting Jesus in the temple. Joseph stands to the left holding two doves, while Simeon holds swaddling cloths to receive the child. Anna the prophetess is looking on with one arm raised, holding a scroll in the other.
This piece depicts the scene from Luke 2:22-38. Per the Jewish Law (Lev. 12:6-8, Ex. 13:2,12), Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus at the temple. Jesus turns his head back to watch his mother, and Mary gazes toward his face. This interaction represents their already intimate relationship. While Mary prepares to pass Jesus off to Simeon, to the right of them, Anna smiles while prophesying. Her scroll contains a phrase spoken from another woman in Luke 11:27, BEATUS VENTER QUI TE PORTAVIT, "Blessed is the womb that bore thee.”