Title of Art: The Pietà Rondanini
Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Art Form: Sculpture
Event: Crucifixion
Exhibit Institution: Castello Sforzesco (Sforzesco Castle)
Exhibit Location: Milan, Italy
VM Image #: 0114
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 8, 2023
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An unfinished sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti depicting the Madonna supporting her son, Jesus, after the crucifixion.
In this unfinished pietà, Michelangelo continually altered his method as he worked, changing the proportions of Jesus’s body. We are left with a mourning Mary who fully supports the broken body of her son. She stands quite close to him, so much so that it seems they are inextricably wrapped up in one another. Indeed, Jesus’s arms are merged with Mary’s body. Though incomplete, this highlights the close relationship that they shared.
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