Justinian ensemble appears on opposite wall of Theodora. Justinian carries the basket of eucharistic bread.
Justinian is haloed and clad in an imperial purple robe, crown, and jewels, similar to Empress Theodora who is displayed in similar fashion on a wall opposite of this mosaic. Justinian is flanked by clergy, soldiers, and administrators, while Bishop Maximianus, wearing a maniple and holding a cross, stands just to the left of the emperor. Justinian is holding a serving bowl for the Eucharistic bread, while the mirror image of Theodora shows her holding a Eucharistic chalice. Centered in the apse above both images is a mosaic of Jesus Christ, the true body and blood that the Eucharist symbolizes. The mosaics are unique in their near mirror images reflecting gender parity, as well as male and female spiritual and political leadership, and they are best considered together for more fulsome insight and understanding.