The mosaic roundels on the barrel vaults of the Cappella Arcivescovile of Ravenna, depict portrait busts of twelve apostles and twelve martyrs (six women, six men). This image focuses on Daria, Perpetua, and Felicitas. Daria’s hair is exposed with a center part, perhaps indicative of her life as a vestal priestess before her conversion. While Perpetua and Felicitas are often depicted together, Felicitas is portrayed in clothes that are vastly different than Perpetua's. She is dressed somberly in dark purple and white without decorations, jewels, or pearls, indicating her status as a servant.
Title of Art: (Daria, Perpetua, Felicitas)
Subjects: Daria; Perpetua; Felicitas
Art Form: Mosaic
Date of Composition: 494-520
Exhibit Institution: Cappella di Sant'Andrea e Museo Arcivescovile (St. Andrew Chapel and Archiepiscopal Museum)
Exhibit Location: Ravenna, Italy
VM Image #: 0020
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 2, 2023