Title of Art: Adoration of the Christ Child with St. Joseph, St. Jerome, St. Hilarion, St. Mary Magdalen and Angels
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; Mary Magdalene
Artist: Filippi Lippi
Art Form: Painting
Date of Composition: 1455
Event: Nativity
Exhibit Institution: Le Gallerie degli Uffizi (The Uffizi)
Exhibit Location: Florence, Italy
VM Image #: 0041
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 7, 2023

Adoration of Christ, Mary leaning over Jesus in manger, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Angels, St. Jerome. Lippi converged the iconography of the Nativity with the adoration of Christ. Originally housed in a convent of San Vincenzo d'Annalena in Florence.
In this scene, the Florentine Renaissance master, Filippi Lippi, is blending the nativity scene with Mary's adoration of the Christ child. The adoration posture does not appear in the scriptural account, but is attributed to the visions of St. Bridget, written in her "Revelations." Mary in joined by St. Joseph, St. Hilarion, St. Jerome (seen traditionally holding a rock to his chest) and St. Mary Magdalene. The scene invites reflection of Mary's lived experience of the miraculous, a young woman tasked with the physical care of the Holy Son of God. Jesus' humanity is accented as he lays on the ground, with a lowly donkey and an ox in the background. Meanwhile, Jesus' deity is proclaimed by the angels above who hold a banner with the words "GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO."